Riding Shotgun

ramblings from the passenger's seat

Thursday, February 14, 2008

failte romhat

So here I am in Dublin, Ireland. Capital of Ireland, home of the storied Trinity College and certainly many things I don't know about. I've been here two days now and it's nice. The weather, people keep telling me, has decided to be particularly welcoming. The people, I gather, are simply always welcoming. A little anecdote for Tristan: as I was crossing the road from Grafton St. (where that Once movie was situated) to St. Stephen's green (a big deal park) I was stopped by this trio who wanted to take my picture...for a fashion blog. It wasn't even for the don't section! I attribute this entirely to the jeans.
Here's the link. Pavement Fashion

Wednesday, February 06, 2008

Sorry for everything, we'll try and remedy it soon.

So since the last time I posted here, the President of the Republic got himself married, Slovenia took over the Presidency of the EU, Heath Ledger died, and the race between Hillary and Obama has only gotten tighter. There we go. Also I have had about a month of holidays. Speaking of holidays my next break from school begins tomorrow. 2 weeks. No holds barred. I am going to be spending some time in Dublin and some time in Leeds. It should be wild.