Riding Shotgun

ramblings from the passenger's seat

Friday, September 28, 2007

Revolutionary Politics and Revolting Policy.

So I was fortunate enough on Tuesday night to be able to attend this speech and debate with two members of the APPO (Asamblea Popular de los Pueblos de Oaxaca). The speech was phenomenal and more than a little eye-opening. Mexico is a country in North America where corruption runs rampant and free elections aren't even guaranteed. In Oaxaca they had actual insurrections against government corruption and they were silenced by paramilitary groups and a media blackout. I knew a little bit about Oaxaca before going, that being what prompted me to stop and read the poster and subsequently make the trek out of downtown Strasbourg but to hear from people who've been there the details of the continuing marginalisation of the aboriginal population and misappropriation of funds well it's a bit different then reading about it on the internet. The regional government of Oaxaca has/had been systematically taking away the constitutional rights of Oaxacans for years culminating most recently in a complete disregard for the rights of Free speech and Freedom of Association. On top of which they would grossly overcite the cost of projects like the building of a new parliament and ostensibly pocket the extra funds. The woman Jacquelina (if memory serves) said some particularly interesting things about the role of women and the media in the people's rebellion. The woman when the free radio was shut down in fact marched into and re-appropriated television stations and all the radio stations in Oaxaca turning them into forums for people to talk about the revolution and their own personal experience. More information can be found here (and I'm sure elsewhere you can all type Oaxaca in google if you're interested):
Asamblea Popular de los Pueblos de Oaxaca


  • At 6:22 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    You write very well.


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