Riding Shotgun

ramblings from the passenger's seat

Thursday, February 14, 2008

failte romhat

So here I am in Dublin, Ireland. Capital of Ireland, home of the storied Trinity College and certainly many things I don't know about. I've been here two days now and it's nice. The weather, people keep telling me, has decided to be particularly welcoming. The people, I gather, are simply always welcoming. A little anecdote for Tristan: as I was crossing the road from Grafton St. (where that Once movie was situated) to St. Stephen's green (a big deal park) I was stopped by this trio who wanted to take my picture...for a fashion blog. It wasn't even for the don't section! I attribute this entirely to the jeans.
Here's the link. Pavement Fashion


  • At 7:08 AM, Blogger Tristan said…

    "James is a 21 year old from Canada. He likes to shop in thrift stores like Value Village.At the moment he's listening to Handsome Furs and various other indie rock bands."

    i hate you.


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