Riding Shotgun

ramblings from the passenger's seat

Wednesday, March 31, 2004

So last night after 'Love, Sex and Eating Bones' I wandered the streets taking pictures of the dark, the moon, some trees and a streetlight. Auto-focus however cut me off at the pass and ambushed me. Don't get me wrong I love my camera it's brilliant but...sometimes I wish it were a straight-up no strings attached slr. Rather then a zlr. The difference is one of control. The zlr gives you enough control to get by without making you work to hard. The slr gives you more control but also more responsibility, it's harder to use but sometimes, ie last night, it's worth it to be able to actually focus it wherever and have that complete control of shutter speed. Alas I was only using 400iso film which is probably not what your meant to use for night photography anyways. We shall see.

Wednesday, March 24, 2004

Star Wars Episode III: 'The Creeping Fear'
Well at least that's the rumor, here's my source and some reactions from the public:
  • Aint It Cool News, the source

  • "yeah, well this new one isnt even about being good, its about getting it over with"
    "Well, it sounds like a bad horror movie released in 1986 involving insects of some sort, or some horrible psychological horror-drama. [What's more] for a Star Wars movie, that sounds insanely stupid."

    nuff said.

    Saturday, March 13, 2004

    So I have this electric keyboard,well all keyboards are electric I suppose, at any rate this keyboard is annoying me. It happens to have been purchased in Australia so you cannot plug it in anywhere but Australia; I'm not in Australia. I go looking for the insturction manual as one does to see what I can do to remedy this, there are two instruction manuals in the box one is in Chinese the other in Spanish. Now if I were a language god or something capable of stumbling my way through a plethora of languages then this would be no problem but me I'm limited to being bilingual french and english that's it....the moral of the story is don't lose your English Language instruction manuals there may not be a french one handy.

    Monday, March 08, 2004

    Its late at night, the Cold War is becoming my war against sleep...I wish it could be my war with sleep or my war in sleep but no I must fight of that pesky drowsiness to survive through next World History class...what about the Cold War is world history seems kind of bi-national to me. There are like two players and all the world was their stage. Kinda like that play Stones in His Pockets except not really at all when you look at theme. I'm rambling. Oh and big word up to Bas for the new comment function.

    Sunday, March 07, 2004

    Teen pregnancy is down. Way down. According to that fount of truth The New York Times. Without the International distribution of the Sunday New York Times I would not be privy to that piece of information. The article was long but well-written and relatively balanced citing the varying views on the causes. However there was something in the article which made me question the tagline in the header of the paper. "All the news that is fit to print." That something was the inclusion of the private intrigues of one 17 year old (presumably) New Yorker couple. Alexandro and Jasmine. They met in a freshman biology class. Within weeks they were dating, they both agreed to abstain. However , after breaking up and recoupling, Alex was caught cheating...tsk tsk tsk, at any rate the entire course of their complex and nuanced relationship is recorded their in the cover story of the New York Times. I enjoyed the article, the picture on the cover of the two kissing is pure artistry but is this really "fit to print". It is a good hook and nicely woven throughout the article but did it need to be? As a hook I understand why it was used who can beat "Girl Offers Sex but BOY refuses." However the detail they went into, it's pretty personal stuff and yeah sure it would be common knowledge throughout their high school but if some of the shit that's common knowledge at my high school was splashed across the front-page of one of the world's most respected newspapers...well I dunno. Then again who am I to question the journalist I have trouble with high school english this guy manipulates language everyday of his life so to respect his seniority I will concede, Alexandro and Jasmine's relationship is "news that is fit to print". Another cause for thought arising this time from the Book pullout of the New York Times was the full page ad for Jayson Blair's recently or forthcoming biography. This made me laugh. For those unfamiliar with Jayson he is the notorious journalist who was fired from The Times last year or the year before for fabricating articles he'd apparently been doing it for some time. I'm sure the book will be a brilliant read and just as the scandal garnered The Times publicity so to will this. Perhaps that's all it is, a trompe d'oeuil, mayhaps the liars were The Times creating a story in which they are the protagonist and centrepiece. I wish I'de been gettin The Times when all this went down I'm sure they had a field day. But that's enough conspiracy theories for now , I do have a paper on the Cold War to write and I'm sure going to need some then. Enjoy.

    Alexandro and Jasmine got back together after his cheating, that is when Jasmine offered sex. Later on however Alex and Jasmine got in a fight over a rumor about their sexual behaviour and are once again seperated. I feel like such a sleaze putting that up...but alas if it's good enough for THE NEW YORK TIMES! it's good enough for me.

    Thursday, March 04, 2004

    The University of Alberta powerplant, the actual powerplant that makes energy not the bar, is right across the street from my house. In the summer the two silver and green chimneys are sickening spewing industrial grade smoke and smog into the air. Weird shifting shadows result. In the winter however mixed with the smoke is a great deal of steam and the chimneys are almost beautiful. Two columns of billowy clouds rising up playing, dancing, mixing and coming-up, expanding. Like pitchers of milk the smoke stacks spill and pour their contenance onto the sky. Today it was particularly resplendent skirting the nearly full moon. This afternoon they clouded out the sun, like a fabricator of clouds. At any rate this is kind of weird since when is industrial strength air pollution beautiful?

    Wednesday, March 03, 2004

    So what do you know my french class polarises over Genetically Modified Organisms. People with no common sense or a nihilistic disregard for rules get in trouble all the time. Apparently love is a better high, and that is how it should be (not that I know from experience). Life's pretty good although Buffy The Vampire Slayer's no longer on tv. I just don't know but I think Samuel Beckett said it best in Waiting For Godot :
    "Nothing to be done."