Hamlet Who!?!
Action versus Inaction a truly perennial debate. The burden of information. The obvious choice is always there. You know that the right thing to do is to do something. Yet it never seems that clear. Never. ON days like these you begin to empathise with a certain danish prince.
At 3:04 PM,
NoHeadJoe said…
I did not wish to suggest suicidal tendencys
At 2:28 PM,
basit said…
so then where do you turn. the deal on this end is too many options for action vs. inaction. too many things is stultifying, it makes me retreat. try them all and get none done, or end up fallen anyways. or do something and feel regret. ending//.
At 4:44 AM,
Anonymous said…
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At 4:47 AM,
Anonymous said…
Good design!
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