Riding Shotgun

ramblings from the passenger's seat

Wednesday, May 25, 2005

Having the children mimic the war

One average sized gym, a bench placed in the centre towards the back of each side, two teams, a desire to eliminate the opposition. When the whistle is blown all hell breaks loose. Balls like cannons wreak havoc. And it's all taken so seriously. Every close call disputed. On the benches stand the wounded prisoners of war displayed with pride. A trophy rack. Their arms upstretched, the voices aharmonically crying the names of their teammates, would-be-saviours, it's a nearly eccliestical affair. Much sound and fury but really their on that bench reaching for the heavens and the flying balls they are impotent. Images of WW2 are brought to mind, how many hospitals fell behind enemy lines, how many POWs were forced to march or...whatever to earn their keep.Even more recently, more distressingly silhouettes of abu ghraib are recalled. Now this may seem like overwrought verbal imagery but do you remember dodge-ball? Shouldn't we wonder why we have the children mimic the war?


  • At 9:26 AM, Blogger joey said…


    I guess ignorance is bliss. Not knowing is sometimes the best thing one can be - devoid of all bias. Perhaps enlightenment is the point we reach where purity is absolute?

    Anyhow, I remember dodgeball and doctor dodgeball, never really thought of it as war. there's lots of subtleties in children's games that you can catch, like ring around the rosie and all that. it's fun to see where things came from.

  • At 7:10 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    well james.
    as long as no one during the game out-sources the care of the captured players to annother team who boils them to death, i highly condone the playing of dodge ball.

    in fact i play said game every sunday.

    but yes i know that is not the point.

    when i think of dodge ball i think less of world war two and more of colonial battles with indiginess peoples with in africa. seeing early machien guns rake though hundreds of these people. its one sided most of the time.

    but i dont know where i'm going with this.

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