Riding Shotgun

ramblings from the passenger's seat

Tuesday, December 14, 2004

I was thinking about shame the other day. Anecdotally, of course. I was thinking about the time i was in the wrong picture for the yearbook in elementary school and the time that my aunt wrote a story, back when she figured herself to be an author, and I had given it to a friend who left it lying on his desk and then when he came back he didn't recognise it and gave it to the teacher and the teacher asked the whole class and I felt so ...ashamed going up and explaining myself. Shame is I think like guilt, they are both self created emotions. I wish I couldn't feel shame. Guilt however I kind of like. Actually what I wish was that I never felt as awkward as I did in that period of time beginning at the end of elementary school and following me to the beginning of high school. I work at a school here. It brings back memories. I think to myself how horrible it must be to still be in Junior High.


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